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Egg Box Up-Cycling

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Egg box up-cycling is much more fun than dusting window sills and it is a great project to do with children from around seven years old upwards.

Egg box
Egg box transformed into a colorful and useful storage box.

With the Christmas school holidays looming , this is a great little project you can do with any creative children you have in the family. An empty egg box is also a great free material to use, thus saving you money on expensive manufactured craft resources.

It is also a great way for them to learn about making flimsy materials, such as cereal box cardboard, (also used in this egg box project), stronger by building up layers to create small objects out of it.

Fun with an egg box and a pile of comics

As you will know from my last blog-post, I have a ton of comics that I bought in a mad fit of auction bidding. You know the scene? You feel yourself raising your hand yet again while your brain is screaming at you to leave it in your pocket where it can’t spend your money on junk.

Egg box
So many comics – so little time

So anyway, I ended up with a box of comics that I am gradually sticking over anything that stays still long enough to get a coat of glue. It’s called decoupage. I also have another habit of collecting beads (in case the several thousand I already have run out) and so I came up with the idea of using an egg box as a bead storage container. It looks nicer than a plain old shop-bought plastic tray.

As I wasn’t that sure whether an egg box was going to be easy or quick to work with, I decided to use a six egg box. However, if I did this again, I would use a 12 or 24 egg box because I do have rather a lot of beads.

If you do this project with a child, it makes a great little home-made Christmas gift for anyone in their family who does beading or sewing. I chose to make a bead box but you could just as easily make this into a sewing box if you made up some small pincushions and stuck them in a couple of the compartments. A child could even make one of these for a male relative to keep nails, screws, washers etc in. Not that I am saying men don’t sew or bead of course…

Actually you could keep just about anything in this box and lets face it, if you get one of these from your granddaughter this Christmas, you are going to have to keep something in it aren’t you? Trust me, you will. Children never forget stuff they once made and proudly presented to you, as I found out when my grown-up son once asked me where the book- ends were that he made in wood-tech. Oh dear. I am sure they are in the loft somewhere though.

If you want to see the step by step instructions for how to make this little egg box bead holder click on this link to go to my Instructables page –

Egg box
Functional knob and little feet to match – what more could you want?

I hope you have fun making one – if you do, be sure to post a picture of it on my Instructables page. I had fun making mine, I was peeling glue off my hands for days. However, I did find out that peeling transparent glue off your hands in public is a really good way to freak people out.

So go grab an egg box and go for it!

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